Friday, March 28, 2014


Here's another drawing for my current RPG commission. I thought I'd throw in a work in process scan to give you an idea of how I go about making pictures. I drew this in pencil on a piece of bristol board. Mostly, I just blocked in the shapes and tried to get the anatomy of the beastie right. I don't start thinking about details until I start inking. In this case, this critter was described as a chameleon, able to change colors like an octopus, and in the game it's practically invisible. This is not easy to draw, and I haven't managed it, really. Black and white isn't really conducive to this, but it did give me the idea for the skin patterns while hiding in tall grasses. I ink with a brush these days, which is still kind of amazing to me. Inking with a brush used to seem like voodoo to me, particularly when I would look at people like Berni Wrightson (who drew his astonishing Frankenstein illustrations with a brush). Necessity drove me to brushes rather than the crowquills I used to favor and now I'm completely comfortable with them. Practice makes perfect, I guess.

Anyway, this was fun.

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

More Creatures

Here are a some more creatures for the RPG commission I'm working on right now. I'll have more of these pretty soon. The top one is another feathered dinosaur, though one that's more overtly a dinosaur. The other is a giant flea. Insects are insanely fun to draw, especially fanciful ones where I can cut loose. The first drawing is entirely brush and ink. The big bug is brush and pen and Pitt pens. Both are on Bristol board.

I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Feathered Dinosaurs

These are a couple of illustrations for a role-playing game. The brief on these describes newly-discovered feathered dinosaurs. I love drawing dinosaurs. I kind of love drawing birds. Creating creatures that are an amalgam? Ooooh yeah...

Mind you, the ten year-old me would have pitched a fit because I was "doing it wrong," but I remember reading Julian May's Warm Blooded Dinosaurs sometime in the early eighties which disabused me of my King Kong-influenced prejudices. In any event, these are almost purely brush and ink. Sume-e ink on plate-finish Bristol board.

I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.