Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Some Unlettered Comics Pages

Here are a few unletterered pages from my current project. It's trans erotica again, but with werewolves and swashbuckling. No werewolves in these pages, though. Just erotica. Watercolor and ink on 300 lb Fabriano Artistico watercolor paper. If all goes to plan, this will appear in Alphabet, an anthology to benefit Prism Comics.

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Male Nude (back on the drawing horse)

I finally got back to a life drawing session yesterday. I was late so my pose opportunities were limited. In truth, I'm kind of happy with this angle, as in your face as it is. Pencil on Canson sketchbook paper.

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.