Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Exile Page 14

This page has been done for a bit. I've been holding onto it like an idiot on the assumption that I can get better value out of it depending on when I post it thanks to the way that Patreon works. I'm an idiot, because it doesn't freaking matter. If I posted this when it was done, it would have kicked one of my other art posts into this slot. So Katie can get a check from me and all will be ducky. There's one-ish page left of this story and I should have it done in a day or two. As usual, you can read the entire thing at once here. This page is a return to explicit sex, so it's behind the cut.

The Exile of Natalie Rios page 14

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

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