Friday, May 30, 2014

Exile Page 15

So, after being waylaid by plagues of insects, pestilence, penury, and self-loathing, this is finally done. There will be another page of this eventually once the forthcoming Kickstarter resolves because I need a filler page to make the double-page spread on page 7 and 8 printable as such. It doesn't affect the story at all, so if it never gets funded for print, it'll never get drawn, either, and no one will be the wiser. There will also be a related piece of art--probably a watercolor painting--for a cover for the print edition. But that's all for the future.

Many thanks to Katie Zall who was very patient with this process given the various disasters that befell me over the last year. Many thanks, also, to everyone who read this story and offered feedback. In particular, thanks go to Shelly Jarenski, Renee Knipe, and J. Luis Rivera who all contributed something to the project.

As always, you can read the entire thing at once on the Exile master post, or, if you prefer, I've set up a webcomics tumblr if you'd like to read this and my other comics in a common webcomics interface. Entirely up to you.  If you'd like to support my comics, consider pledging to my Patreon. If you're intimidated by all the stuff I post every month, you can cap your pledge at whatever is comfortable for you. Regardless, this story will remain free to read on the web given that my target readership is as destitute as I am.

Next? Hell if I know. I have some ideas...

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Exile Page 14

This page has been done for a bit. I've been holding onto it like an idiot on the assumption that I can get better value out of it depending on when I post it thanks to the way that Patreon works. I'm an idiot, because it doesn't freaking matter. If I posted this when it was done, it would have kicked one of my other art posts into this slot. So Katie can get a check from me and all will be ducky. There's one-ish page left of this story and I should have it done in a day or two. As usual, you can read the entire thing at once here. This page is a return to explicit sex, so it's behind the cut.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Creepy Crawlies

Here's the last batch of creatures for my big commission. I'm finished. Finally. These last ones tended to be creatures I had no real grasp of. I don't know how closely these match what the game developers had in mind, but this is what they got from me, barring any unforeseen revisions. As usual, these are brush and ink on bristol. By the time I got to these, my inking style was beginning to become a bit more design-y than on the earlier drawings, but it works well enough.

The creature at the head of this post is based on a scorpion and a centipede, but it's a fantasy creature at its core. I had a hard time envisioning this one, even after I was provided with some older concept drawings.

This was an excuse to draw a human being after drawing so many creatures. Another creature based on a centipede, though one that spits acid.

This is an amalgam of a number of different creatures, mainly crabs, spiders, and scorpions.

Finally, a plant. This turned out better than I expected. All those years spent drawing botanical illustrations pays off.

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Creatures and Textures

Here are more creatures. By this point, I was exhausted, so some of these aren't all that I want them to be. All of these are examples of me working out how to create certain textures with pen and ink. India ink is such a binary medium, sometimes.

The beastie at the head of this post is a kind of anteater whose hide is covered with rocky scales. I tended to approach drawing this guy as if he was Ben Grimm, the Thing, from The Fantastic Four. I envision this guy as being orange for some reason.
This is a fire-breathing lizard. A salamander in the classic sense of that word. Based on a couple of different monitor lizards, including the Komodo dragon. Drawing the scales on this was an exercise in tedium. Creating art is a job, after all, and all jobs have long periods of tedium. I'm sure I spent way more time on this than I probably should have.
The brief for this was for a six-legged cross between a boar and a horse. Weird. Not entirely unsuccessful. The game this is for is partially a miniatures game and I've seen the green for the miniature this corresponds with. While I was drawing it, I thought of this guy as a hipster boar for some reason. I think it's the beard.
Finally, something legitimately alien. These beasties are a land-based coral that create gravel around themselves. Another drawing where I spent a lot of time on tedious details. This one indulges in pointilism, which is always a chore to draw. I like the end result. I sometimes like the idea of being an artist even when I hate creating art.

Only a few more to go after these, and then it's back to comics.

Patreon Logo
I'm trying out Patreon as a means of funding my blogs. They don't have a widget yet, so this link will just have to do. If you like my writing and art and if you'd like to support Krell Laboratories and Christianne's Art and Comics, please come on over and pledge. Thanks.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Beware the Jub Jub Bird...

Some more creatures as this project grinds toward its end. I'll have a couple of more creature posts in the next day or three. The image at the head of this post is a winged carnosaur. Fanciful. In the game, it's called a Jabberwock, which I guess I can see. Fun to draw in any event.